Resources to Learn More About the Effects of Trauma

Catholic healing resources

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There is a wealth of information about the effects of trauma, extending beyond our website’s discussions. By delving into the research cited in our articles and exploring the resources we list below, you can gain a deeper understanding of this crucial topic, empowering yourself with knowledge.  

Our commitment to your learning and healing journey is ongoing. We will update this page with new resources, ensuring you stay engaged and informed. Moreover, we encourage you to share any valuable resources you discover about the effects of trauma, making you an active participant in this dynamic learning process.

Books About the Effects of Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score

This book is one of the first books I read about the effects of trauma, and it opened my eyes to the pervasive nature of trauma and the adverse effects of trauma.

This book was written by Bessel van der Kolk, a very prominent trauma researcher. It is a compilation of his research with veterans, children exposed to childhood trauma, and others. He covers the effects of trauma on the mind, body, and brain and effective treatments. The writing can get pretty technical, but he explains terms well. 

You can read more about some of the helpful pieces of information described in this book here.

It Didn’t Start With You

A lot of people in the area of trauma research talk about how trauma tends to be intergenerational and can be passed on from one generation to the next, especially in the area of childhood trauma. 

However, now researchers are discovering that not only is there a cycle of abuse, but that the remnants of trauma can be passed on to the person’s family members, even if the memory of the actual trauma has died out or the person who experienced it has. These remnants live on in our genes, language, and mental and physical health. This book dives into some fascinating research in this area and some healing exercises. 

Some of the healing exercises can get a little New Age, so tread with caution in all of those, but overall, the research presented in this book is fascinating and shows additional areas where people may need to pursue healing. You can learn more here

What Happened to You?

Oprah Winfrey and leading trauma researcher Bruce Perry co-wrote this book. It is written in interview format and discusses Oprah’s stories of her own personal trauma and Perry’s research on the effects of trauma, healing, resilience, and being trauma-informed. The book is very conversational and approachable and doesn’t get very technical, so it can be a good starting point for learning about trauma that doesn’t get very scientific. 

You can learn more about the lessons found in this book here