Healing Resources: Books

Catholic healing resources

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Be Healed by Dr. Bob Schuchts

This book distills much of the John Paul II Healing Center’s work to help people find physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is a great introduction to Dr. Schuchts’s work and explains how wounds are formed and healed from a Catholic perspective. It also offers several exercises for the reader to walk and pray through to apply these lessons and seek healing.

Do You Want to Be Healed? By Dr. Bob Schuchts

This book is a 10-day scriptural retreat based on the healing process found in Be Healed. Each day contains a Scripture passage and reflection questions for engaging with the reading designed to help the reader enter into a healing prayerful encounter with Jesus.

Be Restored by Dr. Bob Schuchts

This book applies the work of Dr. Schuchts more specifically to sexual wounds, whether it be those caused by abuse or wounds leading to sexual compulsions and identity confusion. Like Be Healed, each chapter contains exercises for the reader to walk and pray through to help their healing journey.

Be Transformed by Dr. Bob Schuchts

In this book, Dr. Schuchts describes how the seven sacraments can heal seven major types of wounds: rejection, abandonment, confusion, fear, shame, hopelessness, and powerlessness. Like his other books, each section contains exercises for applying these lessons to one’s healing journey.

The Mindful Catholic by Dr. Greg Bottaro

Lots of research has found that mindfulness can be a helpful part of a person’s healing journey following exposure to trauma. Unfortunately, many mindfulness practices are not in line with Catholic teaching, making it difficult for faithful Catholics to engage in them. Dr. Bottaro solves this issue with this book, helping the reader practice Catholic mindfulness to reap its benefits for their daily lives and healing.