ACEs and the Soul

As we go through this research on the effects of ACEs on the soul, it is essential to remember that just because someone has a high ACE score does not mean they are doomed to develop these outcomes. And if a person has developed a particular outcome due to their ACE score, they are not doomed to have it forever. Healing and resilience are possible, and there are lots of factors that can prevent these outcomes from occurring in the first place and many factors that can lead to healing.
Research on the effects of ACEs has not focused much on how ACEs affect a person’s soul. However, there has been lots of research on how religion and spirituality can protect a person from the potential adverse effects of ACEs, which we discuss here. Despite this lack of research, a few studies have examined how ACEs can negatively affect a person spiritually.
First, one study found that experiencing ACEs is associated with a higher likelihood of religious and spiritual struggles, especially feelings of anger toward God, feeling abandoned and punished by God, and questioning God’s love (1).
Another study found similar effects, in that those who experienced more ACEs were more likely to doubt God, be angry with him, and question the meaning and purpose of their life (2)
Finally, another study of undergraduate students found that those who experienced more ACEs were less likely to go to church, pray, experience God regularly, and be guided by their religious beliefs (3)
Overall, we need more research in this area, but from the limited research, it seems that ACEs can negatively affect a person spiritually.
There is hope for healing and resilience following exposure to ACEs. If you or someone you know may be suffering from these negative effects, please visit the healing resources page to begin your healing journey.
To learn more about the effects of ACEs, please visit the following pages:
- ACEs and the Mind
- ACEs and the Body
- ACEs and Actions
- ACEs and Vocation
- ACEs and Friendships
- Effects of ACEs by Gender
- Resources to Learn More