Healing Resources: Ministries and Websites


Dr. Greg Bottaro, the founder of CatholicPsych, is a licensed psychologist. Throughout his practice, he has discovered that some parts of traditional psychotherapy can be challenging to practice in a way in line with the Catholic view of the human person. He has since integrated the best of psychology and Catholicism to create a new model of healing called mentorship that aligns with the Catholic view of the human person, and he has found it to be effective. On their website, you can learn more about mentorship to see if it might be suitable for your healing journey and find a mentor to work with.

Parts Wellness

Another free resource that Dr. Bottaro has developed is Parts Wellness. Parts theory is the basis for this resource, which theorizes that we have multiple parts of our personality. Some may be helpful, some may be unhelpful, and some may develop due to emotional wounds. New parts develop because of emotional wounds, and God designed our minds to protect ourselves. 

So, for example, a critical part of your mind may develop due to rejection for failure. This part may then drive you to criticize yourself and to avoid failure. All the part is doing is trying to help you avoid similar rejection, but you can imagine how a self-critical part could cause problems with mental health.

With this free resource, Dr. Bottaro helps you examine different parts of yourself, see why they have developed, and work to live healthier. You can also learn more about the resource on this episode of the Being Human podcast.

Catholic Therapists

As Dr. Bottaro has discovered, traditional psychotherapy can sometimes be practiced in a way out of line with the Catholic faith. If you decide therapy is right for you, finding a Catholic therapist can be a helpful way to avoid these out-of-line practices. You can find a Catholic therapist near you on the Catholic Therapists website.

John Paul II Healing Center

The John Paul II Healing Center provides healing retreats and resources that help people find physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. They use the approach outlined in Dr. Schuchts’ books, and it has been helpful to many.

KNOWN: Embraced by the Heart of the Father

KNOWN is a 12-week Catholic coaching program that helps people develop or redevelop a secure attachment to God the Father, which may not have developed or been lost due to traumatic experiences. The program helps this relationship through weekly calls, exercises, and meditations.

Restored Ministry

Restored Ministry specifically serves Catholics who have faced the experience of the divorce of their parents. It provides this support through content, coaching, and a dedicated community.